Superpower Wiki

The power to convert matter, energy, or concepts into a tangible and solid form. Sub-power of Matter State Manipulation, Solid Manipulation and Transmutation.

Also Called[]

  • Hardening
  • Hardness Inducement
  • Solidity Inducement


The user can solidify, or give solid-like properties to, liquid, gas, plasma or other forms of non-solid mass/energy. Solidification may be achieved through freezing or deposition, or through more abstract/supernatural processes (particularly in the case of solidifying non-matter).

Users of this power may be able to solidify non-corporeal opponents, such as spirits, to make those targets vulnerable to physical attack.





  • May not be able to use ability on certain materials.

Known Users[]

  • Variation Users

Known Objects[]

  • Diamond Glove (Roblox: Slap Battles); on the user
  • MEGAROCK Glove (Roblox: Slap Battles); on the user
  • Serpent's Tail (Xiaolin Showdown); combined with the Reversing Mirror
  • Backscratcher of Solidification (Xiaolin Chronicles)