Superpower Wiki

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Basic Info
Alias(es) "The God Of Time" "The God killer"
Alignment Neutral Good
Race Formerly human
Gender Male
Age Lost count
Birthday Time travel is whacky
Blood Type N/A
Main Ability Time keepers secret
Ranking AAA
Personal Data
Birthplace Home
Nationality None
Affiliation(s) Dawn Court, Human Race
Occupation(s) Time traveler, Godhood.
Base of Operations Varies
Hair color Brown
Eye color Light grey, but varies

Techinal Data

Maker Sastgamer
Use Story
Theme TBD

Watcher is the youngest and oldest of the Middle gods and the only one to be born a human. He is extremely humble in comparison with the other gods, most likely due to his remembrance of what his human life was like and the fact he interacts with mortal beings. He is also
