Superpower Wiki

CSH(comicchat) CSH(comicchat) 3 January 2016

Polar Replay/Character sheet II

Name: Toiyoma Ikazu

Age: 19

Birthday: March 19th

Alias: Ghost of the Eternal, True Phantasm,Soul God,Polar Replay

Hobbies: Reading,watching kung fu movies,eating, talking to fellow spirits

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Motto: "I Belong to no one, my soul is the only thing I own."

Occupation: Soul protector, Guardian of the Spirit Realm


" Why reap what isn't someone else's"

"Life, huh been there, done that"

"I'm a ghost spirit but im amongst the gods who created this universe, and they will acknowledge my exisistence even if..... I don't technically exist...... But THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT."

Species: Ghost

Likes: Kind,Living,Blue,White,Red,Ghosts who are attentive.Humour

Dislikes:Egos,Misused power,Ghost Government


Strength - 100/100 Nigh Omnipoten…

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CSH(comicchat) CSH(comicchat) 3 January 2016

Deaths Prince/Character Sheet


Name: Leo Raven

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Aliases: Dark Fate, Death's Reign, Bringer of Death

Species: Demon


"You are smart to defy death, but no matter how fast you run, I WILL ALWAYS CATCH UP!"

"I am still young as I'm no king yet but with the power I hold I may as well take over, you see not the way I see you see the way they want you to see but if you overcome the temptation, life will no longer matter you may succumb to death."

Motto: Welcome to the realm of death

Likes: Death, Power, Pain, Suffering, Surfing,Eating

Dislikes: Life, Grass, Weakness, Light, Physics

Powers And Abilities:

Matter Absorption - Due to living in the demon realm he was bestowed with Matter absorption as one of his many powers, he uses this to keep his …

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