Superpower Wiki
"Buy my cereal, or I'll die!"
― Transclown-O-Morphs (The Simpsons)

The power to gain strength from real life actions/events, energies/powers, people or objects. Variation of Affinity and Reality Power Link. Opposite to Fictional Empowerment.

Also Called[]

  • Real Affinity/Augmentation/Empowerment
  • Reality Affinity/Augmentation


The user becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. from any or all realities/realities the user is actually in/from reality affecting abilities/real life/real world energies/powers, actions/events, objects, characters/people, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. With this, it’s possible for the user to not really do anything and still continue to gain power thanks to reality itself. Some users may be able draw sustenance from reality or even slow or stop aging.




Known Users[]

  • Paula (Earthbound)
  • MiniMog (Final Fantasy VIII)
  • Freakazoid (Freakazoid!)
  • Dissonant G03LMs (Madness: Project Nexus)
  • Dr. Jebidiah Christoff (Madness: Project Nexus); via the Halo/Keystone Fragment
  • Lamenters (Madness: Project Nexus)
  • Mario & Luigi (Mario & Luigi: Dream Team); via Birthday Gear/Equipment
  • Ziggy (Song Summoners: The Unsung Heroes)

