Superpower Wiki

The power to remember absolutely everything one thinks, feels, encounters, and experiences. Advanced variation of Enhanced Memory.

Also Called

  • Absolute Memory/Recall/Recollection
  • Hypermnesia/Hyperthymesia
  • Perfect Memory/Recall/Recollection
  • Supernatural Memory/Recall/Recollection
  • Total Memory/Recall/Recollection


The user can remember and recall everything that they have ever experienced, encountered or learned in their lifetime. The user needs only to read, hear or see something once and they will never forget it. They continue to learn for the rest of their lives and their brain will simply compress neural synapses to contain it all, allowing memory of every event, experience or bit of knowledge from birth to the present. Their mind is also entirely immune to Memory Manipulation, unless the ability is first negated or stolen.

Many users who are said to only possess Enhanced Memory actually possess Panmnesia, and many who are said to possess Panmnesia only possess Enhanced Memory (the two are often confused)




  • If the user has no control over this ability, painful, stressful, and/or other unpleasant memories may be constantly present in the user's conscious mind.
  • May not be able handle stress from certain retained information (i.e. truths).
  • May be unable to replicate physical actions without training.

Known Users

See also Panmnesia

  • Gibson Kafka (Birds of Prey)
  • Aoi Sakurada (Castle-Town Dandelion); via Invisible Work
  • Brainiac (DC Comics)
  • Coluans (DC Comics)
  • Ryouta Murakami (Gokukoku No Brynhildr)
  • Shintaro Kisaragi (Kagerou Project); via Retaining Eyes
  • Eddie Morra (Limitless)
  • Leader (Marvel Comics)
  • Sage/Tessa (Marvel Comics)
  • Thane Krios (Mass Effect)
  • Vampires (Twilight Saga)

