Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate matter using magic. Magical variation of Telekinesis. Not to be confused with Matter Magic.

Also Called

  • Magic/Magical/Mystical Mind-Over-Matter
  • Magic/Magical/Mystical Matter Manipulation
  • Magic/Magical/Mystical PK/Psychokinesis/TK


The user can use magic or magical energy to telekinetically push, move, lift or otherwise manipulate matter in general. This even includes the ability to use magic as a medium to enable flight.




  • Anti-Magic/Magic Destruction/Magic Immunity/Magic Negation
  • May be limited to using a specific type of magic.
  • May have a price.
  • Control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic.
  • Without knowledge or proper skill, the intended use of such magic can create unpredictable or potentially dangerous results.
  • May be limited to using magic on a specific object or type of object.

Known Users

Known Objects

