Superpower Wiki

The power to be genetically perfect. Sub-power of Perfection.

Also Called

  • Biological Perfection
  • Pinnacle Of Genetic/DNA Advancement/Enhancement
  • Superior Genetics/DNA


Users are biologically and genetically perfect in every respect, they have attained the pinnacle of biological and genetic enhancement. As such their genome is totally flawless, making there entire biology perfect granting any/all powers activated/hidden within their genetic code/genome to their maximum capacity and potential immunity to any/all kinds of outside genetic alteration and/or change caused by genetic access, cutting, disintegration, etc., because users have total access to all there genetic capabilities.




  • User may only be biologically/genetically perfect, not existentially or spiritually perfect.
  • Every genetic coding is unique in every species making them perfect in different and unique ways.

Known Users

  • Cell (Dragon Ball Z)
  • Leeloo (The Fifth Element)
  • Pariah (Prototype)
  • Species 8472 (Star Trek Voyager)
  • Chaya Sar (Stargate Atlantis)

