Superpower Wiki

The power to transfer sanity between individuals. Sub-power of Madness Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Sanity Swapping / Switching / Transference / Conveyance / Transplant / Redirection / Relocation / Shifting / Handover
  • Mental Stability Swapping / Switching / Transference / Conveyance / Transplant / Redirection / Relocation / Shifting / Handover
  • Rationality Swapping / Switching / Transference / Conveyance / Transplant / Redirection / Relocation / Shifting / Handover


The user is able to transfer sanity, the very ability of common sense, rationality and soundness of an individual, to other individuals, either by giving their own or that of others. This usually causes one of the said individuals to go insane.




  • Users may not have complete control of their powers, which may cause unintentional switching of sanity of others.
    • This being said, the users may even accidentally transfer their own sanity to others.
  • May have limited range, even only on physical contact.
  • The speed of which they can transfer an individual's sanity may vary.
  • Users of Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious) will be an effective counter.
  • May be limited to one individual at a time.
  • Does not work on mindless beings (corpses, animated objects, robots, etc. )

Known Users[]

  • Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)