Superpower Wiki
"At the fork in the road, follow the rocky path. It will take you to the dragons lair!"
"Where will the other one take me?"
"Space Ace!"
― The Scissorsmith and Jack referencing Don Bluth games (Samurai Jack)
"You try walking a straight line without bumping into wave functions of neighboring realities!"
"We do it all the time. It's called not being so stupid it warps the universe!"
― Black Belt and Black Mage (8-Bit Theater)
"There is deep enmity between Set and Gaea, Chthon and Oshtur, but they identified the Crossroads as "neutral grounds" where they could meet. Accessible from everywhere, if you just know which door to open or what hole to crawl through, the Crossroads can sometimes be difficult to leave. Wizards have spent decades wandering back and forth between the signposts. "May you meet yourself at the Crossroads" is a favorite magician's curse."
― Ian McNee on the Crossroads (Marvel Comics)
"Imagine a microscopic web that spans the entire cosmos. An intergalactic ecosystem. An infinite number of roads leading everywhere."
― Gabriel Lorca (Star Trek Discovery)

The power to create crossroads/pathways to any reality/place in existence. Variation of Nexus Creation. Not to be confused with Meta Teleportation.

Also Called[]

  • Reality Passageway/Path/Road


User can create/open pathways to anywhere/everywhere, including other afterlife's, worlds, realms, realities, dreams, planes, dimensions, universes, times, domains, etc. linking those places with the world the user calls it from. Pathways created by this are an easily usable for others besides the user and may either be permanent or temporary by choice depending on the user's skill and the place in question.

Unlike Dimensional Traveling which automatically sends you there, user merely generates the path to reach those places. User has to do the actual traveling to reach those places themselves.





Known Users[]

  • Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite)
  • Leyline Walkers (Rifts)
  • The Q (Star Trek)
  • Members of the Royal Family of Amber (Chronicles of Amber)
  • Doctor Stephen Strange (Marvel Comics)

Known Objects[]

  • The Great Machine (Babylon 5)
  • Zandora's Box (Dungeons and Dragons: The Animated Series)
  • Multiverse Doors (The Bad Guys Book Series)

Known Locations[]

See Also: Portal Crossroad World.

  • Sea of Doors (Bioshock Infinite)
  • Infinite Corridor (Castlevania)
  • Passageway to Grimgar (Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash)
  • Yggdrasil (Neon Genesis Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse)
  • The Improbable Stair (The Keys to the Kingdom)
  • Infinite Staircase (Planescape)
  • Q Continuum (Star Trek)
  • The Nexus (Star Trek)
  • The World Between Worlds (Star Wars)
  • The Many Place (Creeped Out)
  • Crossroads (Marvel Comics)
  • Death's Realm (The Sandman)
  • The In-Between Place (The Owl House)
  • The Singularity (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
  • The Edge of Creation (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
  • The Oldest House (Control)
  • The Oceanview Motel (Control)


