Superpower Wiki

The power to substitute one collection of molecules with another. Sub-power of Teleportation.

Also Called[]

  • Matter Replacement/Switching


The user can substitute one collection of molecules with another, allowing them to "switch" matter, ie. user focuses on a box and touches a concrete wall, the box appears on the wall and a box of concrete is replaced on the box's previous place. This ability can be lethal as the user can "replace" a person's vital organs such as the brain with another object.


  • Transport one object to another place.
  • User can do this as soon as they think about it Sensorimotor Synchrony.
  • Transport a person's vital organs with another substance, thus injuring or even killing the victim.
  • Switch incoming projectiles (bullets, fireballs) with another objects in the surroundings.
  • High-level users can switch matter with thin air at Absolute Speed.



  • May have limited range of effect.

Known Users[]

