Superpower Wiki
"I believe that no matter how random things may appear, there's still a plan, I love it when a plan comes together!"
― John Hannibal Smith

The ability to manipulate the patterns and predictability of anything.

Also Called[]

  • Pattern Manipulation/Control
  • Predictability Control


The user can manipulate the patterns and predictability of anything, whether it is fighting pattern, future predictability, gambling predictability and such. They can make something like a person's fighting style be something predictable like "punch 1, punch 2, punch 2, kick, roundhouse kick, roundhouse kick, punch 1, punch 1, repeat) or they can make it less predictable and harder to predict/sense in terms of patterns. They can also, as previously mentioned, manipulate the predictability of the future, among other things.




Known Users[]

  • Pattern Spiders (Exalted)
  • The Chairman (The Adjustment Bureau)
  • Dubs Checkem (American Psycho)