Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate strong force. Sub-power of Fundamental Forces Manipulation and one of the two forces of Nuclear Manipulation. Variation of Universal Force Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Strong Interaction Manipulation
  • Strong Nuclear Force Manipulation
  • Strength Force (DC Comics)
  • Gluon Manipulation
  • Nuclear Fusion manipulation


The user can manipulate strong force: one of the four fundamental forces in the physical universe, accountable for numerous phenomenon instances, especially those related to the binding of protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei. The strong force is amenable for strong nuclear force (a force that overcomes the electric repulsion between protons and binds them together), the formation of atomic nuclei, and the stability of matter itself. Investigation of the strong interaction requires comprehension of assorted domains of physical science, including nuclear physics, particle physics, and quantum chromodynamics. The strong interaction is one of the fundamental forces behind nuclear interactions. The strong force exhibits incredible properties, and its manipulation enables users to harness the energy that powers stars, nuclear reactors, and other high-energy processes.

Using strong force manipulation at a basic level may reveal straightforward applications, such as generating subatomic particles, nuclear fission or fusion on a small scale, manipulating nuclear waste and other radioactive materials, control all states of matter, stabilizing matter to where it is safe, cancel electric fields or localized force-field generation to protect from nuclear reactions. At advanced levels, users are portrayed as "professionals" that can control both nuclear forces (neutron emission, proton emission, radioactive decay control, etc.) and their interactions (beginner-level nucleon manipulation, quark manipulation, strong force negation, absorption, affinity, etc.). Since the user is advanced, they can easily surpass basic-level strong force manipulators, influencing nuclear reactions in their vicinity and acquiring a heightened understanding of the strongest fundamental force in the universe.

Users at the expertise, master, ultimate, or absolute levels are represented as masters or gods of their field. A user can harness strong force to command atomic and subatomic processes (from nuclear fusion to particle acceleration or deceleration). They can harness the strong force and manipulate it similarly to using advanced machinery to control nuclear reactors, generate massive amounts of energy, or influence the fundamental structure of matter, with the constraint being the user's knowledge and creativity or adaptability. Users can interact with advanced technology used by highly developed civilizations and expand their influence on a continental, planetary, cosmic, galactic, or universal scale.

Four Interactive Forces[]

This power is the manipulation of one of the four interactive forces, the other three being:


Basic level[]

Advanced level[]

Expert level[]

Master level[]

Ultimate level[]

Absolute level[]





  • Due to the power of the strong force, users may only be able to influence objects through direct contact, with immense focus, and/or only temporarily.

Known Users[]



Video Games[]


