Superpower Wiki

The power to use attacks that cannot be blocked by any means. Opposite to Absolute Defense.

Also Called

  • Absolute Offense
  • Unblockable/Unstoppable Attacks


User can create/use attacks that cannot be blocked, reduced, countered, negated or deflected by any means, defenses, armor and immunity. This ability is not dependent on physical factors like strength, but is instead based on the properties of the attack.


  • Concept Destruction: destroy and negate conceptual defenses such as time and dimension to successfully hit the target.
  • Defense Break: bypass and ignore all forms of defense, whether it be metal armor or dimensional barrier.
  • Defensive Damage: Inflict damage even while guarding.
  • Intangibility Cancellation: ignoring the fact that the target cannot be affected by attacks, the strike cannot be phased through.
  • Irreversible Destruction: true to the attack being "absolute", the effects and damage inflicted are also absolute, causing regeneration and reconstruction to fail.
  • Omnipresential Attack: no matter what timeline the target is residing in, the attack will strike at all space-time locations, ensuring a successful hit at a time when they are vulnerable (i.e. before acquiring intangibility or immortality).
  • One Hit Kill: Despite being an absolute power, the user's attack is amazingly powerful, enough to kill a human completely, especially a user with Immortality, or the Enhanced Healing Factor power.




  • While attacks cannot be blocked or phased through, they can still be evaded if the opponent is fast enough.
  • Even though the attack can inflict unblockable damage, it is meaningless if the opponent has Regenerative Healing FactorAbsolute Immortality or if the attack itself is low in overall power, unless the inflicted damage is also absolute.
  • When used against Absolute Defense, the damage inflicted may be proportional to the defense in question, as both are polar opposites of each other.
    • With that, the attack may be reduced to a normal attack, depending on the properties on both the attack and the defense.
  • If two Absolute Attacks collide with one another, they may cancel each other out.

Known Users


Video Games


  • Demonhead Mobster Kingpin (Problem Sleuth); via Fill 'em with daylight

Known Weapons

